
What ethnicity has a negative blood type
What ethnicity has a negative blood type

what ethnicity has a negative blood type
  1. #What ethnicity has a negative blood type skin#
  2. #What ethnicity has a negative blood type full#

They have black hair and black skin, and paler brown skin in some areas, and in other areas they became oriental looking.

#What ethnicity has a negative blood type full#

They became Homo Erectus, and still in some remote parts of Africa full blooded Homo Erectus can still be found. These were a results of experiments taking Neanderthal genes and mixing them with those of gorillas. These are generally the same as A Rh positive in looks, but can also have some of the O neg looks as they are carriers of the O neg genetics.

what ethnicity has a negative blood type

Straight light blonde through to dark brown hair is dominant in this species.īecause these were placed mainly in Europe they retained pale hair and skin.

what ethnicity has a negative blood type

They became the Homo Heidelbergensis, then with more experiments and evolution they became the Cro-Magnons. These were a later experiment of the Neanderthals, taking some of their own genes and mixing it with chimpanzee genetics. The black skin was needed for these people because without the protection of the hair that simians have all over their bodies, they would easily burn in the Sun, so black skin, despite what we are told, is part of evolution for those living in climates that required it, and NOT the other way round. The ones who were placed in hot countries evolved to have black skin and wooly hair, the ones in cold climate will have remained pale skinned. The biggest effect on the looks of these people is dependent upon where they live in the world. Skin colour is also the most diverse in this group, from pale white through to black. Hair colour can vary greatly and can be more or less any colour, from blonde straight through to black woolly hair. The first genetic experiment of the O negs mixing their genes with those of ancient simians created these people. O Rh D Positive - The Second Most Ancient Blood Group. Because O negs normally have mood eyes they can change to any colour, but these are the normal colours. Skin colour is always white, from a very pale snow white through to a pale pink or peach.Įyes are blue, grey or rarely violet. Hair can be wavy or very curly, but rarely completely straight. Light Strawberry Blonde - Dark Auburn hair colour, with all the shades in-between.īabies can be born with white hair which turns more of a copper auburn shade as they get older.īabies can also be born with pale copper, turning more into a medium auburn as they get older. O Rh D Negative - The Most Ancient Blood Group. The only group who are consistent in looks would be those families who have been consistent in only breeding within their own pure group of O negatives only, as these are the only blood group that isn't mixed with others through genetic engineering. Please remember that because of how mixed most people have now become, not everyone is going to fit perfectly into these. To help explain why we look the way we do.

What ethnicity has a negative blood type